
Текст песни Мила Нитич - Mystery

Мила Нитич - Mystery
Исполнитель: Мила Нитич
Дата: 07/02/2017
Категория: Евровидение 2017
Просмотров: 453
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Verse 1:
Morning light will appear,
from the ground.
The deepest night will take your fears,
and let them drown.
Everything in this world,
is done for you to win.
Please don't turn your victories,
into the harmful sins.
Try to do your best for people,
quietly, behind the scenes.

We're not here to judge,
We're born to light the new sun.
We don't need that much,
A word instead of a gun.
You don't have to hide.
A human inside,
Open your mind,
Turn black into white,
And when it will come to the end.
Hold on tight !
Life's a mystery...

Verse 2:

If a man needs your hand,
Give him two!
IF HE LOOKS FOR a friend,
This friend, is you!
Stay on your way! Don't be afraid!
The things sometimes go wrong.
When falling down, remember that,
What doesn't kill you makes you strong!

We're not here to judge,
We're born to light the new sun.
We don't need that much,
A word instead of a gun.
You don't have to hide.
A human inside,
Open your mind,
Turn black into white,
And when it will come to the end.
Hold on tight !
Life's a mystery...

Мила Нитич - Mystery.
Участник от Украины Евровидение 2017.

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